Friday, April 17, 2009

Domestic Construction

Went to the bookstore the other day, was browsing mags and stopped as soon as I saw this..... cool are these!!! Yes, these are tea & coffee cups that are made into a chandelier with a bowl to cover the electrical in the ceiling!!! I just love altered & re-purposed stuff!!!

I didn't want to buy the mag so I put the website in my
long term memory storage container that seems to have a leak now days
so when I got home I couldn't remember it...
...then just a few minutes ago it just popped into my head!

I sat down and went to their website, they have the most incredible video right on their homepage, you have to watch it!

But wait!!!

They also have an Etsy store where you can buy these little beauties, this one will run you a cool grand, but they have singles for about $60!

If you click on the Surface & Space tab on their website they have a bunch of cool photos of their various designs....I don't know which one I like best...too many cool things! I also LOVE their "bubble" dresses. I'm going to have to watch for a vintage pattern and make myself one!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Third Time's A Charm

....I hope.

I have my entire upstairs completely torn apart right now. I always forget to take before pics,arrrgh!@!%$!@! But thought you'd enjoy seeing the mess I've got myself into anyway!

I decided yet again to move the room that will end up being my "Studio"!

I've decided to make the room most of you know as
"The Beach Room" into my Studio.
I know, I know....but I'm not getting rid of
the beach room, it's just moving is all.

The next two pictures are of most of the major furniture from the beach room in my hallway. A big mess!!!

This cubby hole of a closet was my first work station, you can still see my Pretty Little Things shelves in Troy gets the closet for a while. As you can see my entire upstairs is a wreck, it's slowing leaking into every nook and cranny! When finished this room will be Troy's computer room/music recording studio/guest room/exercise room!

This room was my second attempt at creating a studio but I just had way too much furniture, it was cramped, dark and I just couldn't get my muse. Now it's totally torn apart, getting packed for the move down the hall! This room will become The New Beach Room.

Yes it is, third time is a charm! This beautiful open, light, airy room will be my new Studio! Yea! It was a beautiful beach room but will be an even more beautiful Studio. I will post more pics as I get stuff done. My Studio won't be done for well over a month, we are leaving in a week for a two week vacation to Hawaii! Yea! Perhaps I'll come back with some new additions for "The New Beach Room"!

I'm having so much fun, this room is going to be great, I'm so excited!!! Yea!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Unconditional Love

This is truly an awesome story!!! Thanks for sharing Steph!

If you want to see more of this story tune into Animal Planet, Thursday, April 9, 7PM and watch A Lion Called Christian.

There is also a book for all you book lovers.