Thursday, July 17, 2008

An Epidemic

An epidemic is spreading like wild fire in the McDonald & Green families. You might want to stay away for a while so you don't catch it! Symptoms include nausea, extreme emotions & your stomach starts to swell and keeps growing for about nine months, then one of these beautiful little creatures will emerge. The symptoms only seem to be showing up in the women, however at the end of the nine months the men start showing symptoms too.......extreme emotions, sleepless nights & an empty wallet! If you don't want one of these running around your house I'd stay far, far away!

In one of my last couple of posts I mentioned that we are going to have a total of 3 new babies in our families.........make that four!
Troy's other sister is pregnant now too!

Auntie M is so excited, 4 little babies in less than 11 months.....I have to go shopping............

Congratulations Tara & Jim!!!


Amanda said...

That is so exciting. Congratulations Auntie M!

Jackie said...

Oh that is a whole lot of pampers and baby food!!!
Mandy you are really going to have your hands full playing with these tots!
Hope they are are healthy and happy babies!!!
Congrats to all involved!