Saturday, September 1, 2007

Copper Heart

So I've been doing a little playing this afternoon, I took copper flashing, cut it & drilled it, then took copper wire and "sewed" the heart back together. I then pounded it to give it a little bit of a dome effect. And last I annealed it with my torch. I love the fact that the two halves turned out completely different even though I annealed them at the same time! It's going to take me a lot of practice working with the sheet metal, but I really like it so far!
But I've got to be more careful!!! I'm going to get a tetanus shot on Tuesday, don't even ask!


Jackie said...

Oh My...That is a real nice piece, sewing with metal, hmmm, never tried that! But I guess I never will, sounds dangerous! I am buying you gloves for christmas! Hope you are ok!

Colleen Mcgraw said...

Hey missy,
How cute is that heart???? I don't have any time to play. Why didn't you anneal the whole piece of silver before you cut your heart out???

Amanda said...

Hi Mandy. Of course I remember you. The heart is awesome but take care of yourself =)