Monday, February 11, 2008

Digital Scrap

I've discovered digtal scrapbooking!
I've been cardmaking and wanted to try out some of the digial stuff so I took a pick of my desk all messy from making cards so I could play a little.
I added a digital border to the pic, I'll be making my pics all nice & pretty for you from now on!
This is going to be too much fun!
Just what I need something new to get into!


Amanda said...

I love the border Mandy and what is so cool about it is that it looks so much like you. I had no idea you could even do something like this, it's great!

Jackie said...

Oh I love the digital border, I really need to learn how to do that, I still buy transparencies with this stuff on it, an you say cha-ching $$$$$!!
Look out Rhonna F and Heidi swapp there is a new scrapper in town!!!